Earth Day at Garber Park, by Shelagh Brodersen

THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered on Earth Day at one of the two sites in Garber Park.  As Bob and I toured the park we were both amazed at the amount of work that was accomplished.  We are extremely grateful that so many (45) chose to help out in Garber.  And special thanks to all the support from the City of Oakland who, once again, helped make the day go so smoothly. 

I encourage everyone to make a special drive up Claremont Ave to view the parking turn-out just beyond 7380.  You can’t miss it – it’s the section with no ivy in the trees or trash by the roadside!  After admiring the maple, oaks, and buckeyes that line that area of Garber drive on up to either the Rispin Lane entrance or the Evergreen Lane entrance and walk the Lower Loop Trail to the Restoration Site 2 at Harwood Creek. The area, once covered in Himalayan blackberry and Cape ivy is looking beautiful, and new flowers are blooming weekly. 

For Earth Day in Garber pictures and my blog post An Amazing Earth Day follow the link