Hill Campus

UC's Evacuation Support Project, by Marilyn Goldhaber

Claremont Avenue above Alvarado Road was transformed this past winter as part of an ongoing fire management program carried out by UC’s Facilities Services. Eucalyptus and other trees that could fall across the road during an emergency or ignite close to the road were logged along with brushy understory, within 100 feet of edge of the pavement . The total project area was approximately 18 acres.

Petition filed against UC's Vegetative Fuel Management Plan and EIR

Despite urgings from us, and others, UC failed to make last minute amendments its Plan and EIR to reduce the risk of wildfire on its Hill Campus beyond versions of released in July, 2020 (the Plan) and January 2021 (the EIR). In response, the Conservancy has filed a petition with the Superior Court as we believe both the Plan and EIR, in their present forms, violate state law.

We would like nothing better than to work cooperatively with UC to make its vegetation management plan robust enough to counteract the increased wildfire risk imposed by climate change and increased fuel loads in the upper campus area.

Fuel management proposal for UC Hill Campus by Joe R. McBride

The purpose of this paper is to present a fuel management plan for University of California property located in Strawberry and Claremont canyons. The plan will identify site-specific fuel reduction treatments to reduce the fire hazard present in naturally occurring vegetation types and to convert highly hazardous plantations of eucalyptus and conifer species to less hazardous naturally occurring vegetation types.

Click here for Professor McBride’s full proposal.