
Survey of members–summary of findings, by Marilyn Goldhaber

Members Tell Us What They Think - Summary of findings from 2018 Survey (click here to download tabulations).

On November 12, 2018 we began an online survey of members and friends of the Claremont Canyon Conservancy for whom we had email addresses (N=523). We followed up three weeks later by a mailing to non-respondents and additional member households for whom we did not have email addresses. By the close of our survey in January, 2019, a total of 180 persons responded, either electronically (N=105) or by sending in their survey through the mail (N=65). 

Members tell us what they think, by Marilyn Goldhaber

TWO YEARS AGO, the Conservancy conducted a survey by mail1318 to 385 members for whom we had good mail1318ing addresses. One hundred and thirty, or 34%, responded at that time, and we reported the results in our Spring 2006 newsletter.

Since then, another 98 members joined the Conservancy and were given the opportunity to respond as they joined. Forty-one responded. Below we update our previous findings to report how the combined 171 members felt about Conservancy projects and goals.

Members tell us what they think, by Marilyn Goldhaber

In February of 2006, we mailed surveys to 385 members and former members of the Claremont Canyon Conservancy. One hundred and thirty, or 34%, responded. Most of the respondents (92%) report close contact with Claremont Canyon by hiking in, driving through, or just viewing the landscape, presumably from their homes (over half). A few hearty souls (5%) report hiking the canyon daily and many more (49%) do so once a month or more. About a quarter drive through every day.